Saturday, July 27, 2024

KHALWALE accuses WETANGULA and MUDAVADI of doing nothing to help the Mulembe Nation – They are only interested in their own stomachs.

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Kakamega County Senator, Dr. Boni Khalwale, has accused National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula and Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi of doing nothing to help the Luhya community.

Speaking on Friday, Khalwale accused Wetang’ula and Mudavadi of not using their positions in the government to help the Western region.

“We fought hard to win the acceptance of President William Ruto by our people while you were whining and dining with the handshakes.

“When you joined us, we happily took a step back for you and Musalia Mudavadi to lead us in this government.

“But alas, none of you has ever pushed for the agenda of Kakamega! Our people are watching,” Khalwale said.

Khalwale joins Trans Nzoia County governor George Natembeya who has been accusing Mudavadi and Wetangula of being useless leaders and blamed them for increased poverty in Luhyaland.

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