Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mourice Onyango

Ruto Names The First Batch of 11 CSs

President Ruto names the First Batch of 11 CSs appointed to the Cabinet. 1. Interior - Kithure Kindiki 2. Health - Dr Debra Mulongo Barasa 3. Public Works - Alice Wahome 4. Education - Julius Ogamba 5. Defence - Aden Duale 6. Agriculture - Dr...

Ezekiel Machogu; the Most Corrupt Education CS Kenya has ever had.

Reports from insiders reveal that embattled former Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu is making a desperate bid to reclaim lost power. Numerous reports confirm that Machogu abused his position to favour those in his personal circles over more qualified candidates. He...

Can a Deputy President of Kenya act as a Cabinet Secretary?

Can a Deputy President of Kenya (Gachagua or any other) act as a Cabinet Secretary? NO. He or she may be assigned tasks that are undertaken by a CS or day to day basis but can he/sign official papers as...

Govt Lists 16 NGOs That Funded Gen-Z Protests.

The government of Kenya has listed 16 Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) in connection to the protests that wreaked havoc in the country in the last month. Foreign Affairs PS Korir Sing'oei in a letter to Ford Foundation President Darren Walker says some...

John Mbadi Likely to be Named Today as one of the Next Cabinet Secretaries; Proposed by Ruto and Raila

Rumor has it that the ODM Chair John Bandi is one of the names that Raila Odinga has proposed to the cabinet likely to be named today. Now, picture this.  3 weeks ago when there was the Finance Bill...

Slain Kware woman was social media addict, brother says

Roselyne Akoth Ogongo, the 24-year-old woman whose half body was found at Kware dumpsite, was a social media addict who would stay late into the night browsing through her phone. Her brother, Emmanuel Ogongo, with whom she lived before going...

‘So Stupid’- Robert Alai, MCA Kileleshwa to Rapacious Politicians.

So stupid. Raila led his own movement. Those who didn’t vote, the 8 million have weaponized the anger of the GenZ for selfish gains.  Baba was personally targeted with teargas and bullets. He was hunted by Bungei and his gang...

‘Circular Reasoning;’ A trick Used by Evil Men and Women.

This is where your reasoning is useless at best, but you cloth it in layers of emotional blackmail and guilt tripping. It's basically using an EFFECT to justify a CAUSE. Remember cause and effect? Where for every action there is a...

27-Year-Old Detained for Retaining Money Sent to His M-PESA account.

Mombasa senior resident magistrate David Odhiambo sentenced 27-year-old Samuel Mwithiga Wanjiku, a boda boda rider, to seven years in prison after he pleaded guilty to the offense of retaining Ksh200,000 that had been wrongly sent to his M-Pesa...

How To Honor the Fallen Heros During Gen-Z Protests.

Register to vote, and in 2027 put in power credible leaders with proven track record in good governance. Statements like "My Thief My Choice", and other such jokes should be a thing of the past. Being carried away by...

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Ruto: Kenya Power will provide fiber internet access to technical colleges and wards around the nation.

On Saturday, July 27, President William Ruto disclosed the specifics of an agreement pertaining to internet connectivity between Kenya...
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